Tag Archives: debt free

Join us in our fight?

We’re on to our 2nd Challenge of this year.  My goal – lose 40 pounds (that’s about 3 pounds per week), and Elbert’s goal is also to lose 40 pounds.  We’re using ViSalus products plus clean eating this round.  It’s going to be a long process for me to lose over 100 pounds this year, and I know I’ve got to fight harder.  I’m down about 15 pounds so far.  I need to start a good exercise habit.  I’m guilty of “all or nothing” type thinking.  I think that I need to exercise for some certain amount every day and if I don’t do it one day I begin making excuses the next instead of picking up and continuing on again.  I also need to start smaller – I’m out of shape and cannot expect myself to do an hour workout when I’m not physically capable of doing that anymore.  But I can build up to it!  Getting into a consistent habit with no excuses is going to be my key.

We started our new 90 Day Challenge April 1.  So far, Elbert is down 8 pounds! Me, 2.5.  I have a feeling he’ll beat me to our goal this round……unless I kick myself into gear.

Here’s the great part.  We’re doing this not because we want to look better or try to feel better about ourselves.  We’re doing this because we have a bigger goal:  to help other people, and to live a healthy lifestyle. The kind where you’re not out of breath and sweating from walking up a couple of flights of stairs.  We’re doing it because we don’t want to be the parents who are yelling at their kid to stop running toward the street but can’t catch them to keep them out of danger.  Or having to tell your kid you can’t teach them how to ride a bike or kick a ball around the yard because you can’t keep up.

More importantly, the larger goal we’re working toward is owning a ranch to help troubled teens learn about animals and how to work hard and serve others. We want to make a difference in their lives.  To do that, we have to be in shape!

What if I told you I can help you lose weight, or get fit or put on some muscle!? What if I said you can get the products for free and there’s a 90 day guarantee? Or that you could also enter to win $1,000 just for losing 10 pounds?  You’d think I was crazy or joking?

What if I also said there’s a way I can help you make extra income each month, pay off debt, or even quit your regular JOB and work from home?!!

Message me and find out how Elbert and I are both fighting obesity, working toward our bigger goals, and are paying off debt!


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